
Curator: Keith A. Buchholz. Local producer: Vėjūnė Sudarytė. Initiator: Ed Carroll.

As part of the USA Government’s culture week in Lithuania, Kaunas Biennial marks the 50th anniversary of the 1st Happenings of George Maciunas in New York. A group of 220 contemporary Fluxus artists mark his unique contribution to contemporary art practice. Location: Kaunas City Trolleybus with performances by Leard Reed Altemus III, Melissa Rose McCarthy and Mary Campbell (USA).


In the time it took to organize this show, major shifts occurred – shifts in location, works to be shown, participants, activities, and ideas of what Fluxus was, is , and could be. A call for works was put out to the “Eternal Network” of Artists, Non-Artists, Poets, Flux people, and Friends to interpret the idea of Fluxus, and in doing so, honor the legacy of George Maciunas, the founder of Fluxus, who was born in Kaunas and emigrated with his family to the United States.

The premise for the show was simple – interpret the concept as you like, using the idea of Textile as a point of departure. Both Flux people and Mail Artists share the inherent love of found materials, and alternative processes. Works range from Found and altered objects, to postcards, boxes, digital images, film, publications, poetry, E-mail, and performance scores. The works often have some handmade quality, and in the process of curating the show, nothing is edited. Some unwritten rules of the network are: “Show everything that you receive” and “All artists are given equal billing”. As you explore this exhibition, feel free to handle the objects, open and close the boxes, and interact with the works. Fluxus works are tactile works – Meant to Communicate and Inform.

When Fluxus started, roughly 50 years ago this year, Maciunas brought together a wide variety of artists who were working outside the boundaries of what was seen as art by the general public. In Al Hansen’s “On Fluxus” (which has been republished in a pamphlet form as part of this exhibition), he states that “Fluxus rejected what was felt to matter in the New York and European art machinery.” In many ways it still does.

Recent institutional interest in Fluxus has changed some things, as the cheaply made multiples (intended to derail the value of art) have become fetishized. Values of early Fluxus works have risen dramatically, and an expanding crop of Curators and Collectors have enshrined works made during Maciunas’ lifetime, drawing and end date on Fluxus at 1978 with George’s death. With most Movements in art this would be easy, but Fluxus, a fluctuating group of international artists, has never considered itself a “Movement”. Artists have continually been drawn to Fluxus, and have taken up its banner since the exit of its chairman, sometimes with the blessing of its early participants, sometimes bravely on their own, building networks that eventually interweave with others to form the broad spectrum seen in this exhibition. It can be guaranteed that no matter how remote, these artists, by minimal degrees of separation, can draw a path back, directly to George.

In the words of Dick Higgins, a member of that first circle of George’s, “Fluxus has a life of its own, apart from the old people in it. It is simple things, taking things for themselves and not just as part of bigger things. It is something that many of us must do, at least part of the time. So Fluxus is inside you, is part of how you are. It isn’t just a bunch of things and dramas, but is part of how you live. It is beyond words.” George’s gift for organizing and developing such a network, which has been described as “An Attitude”, “Way of Life”, and “An extended family”, is bigger than anything a date or label can contain. We salute George best by continuing on this path. Ben Vautier may have said it best, “Fluxus Never Stops!”


Artists List / Kaunas Biennial / George Maciunas and Beyond : Fluxus Never Stops

Robert Tucker, JAV/USA

Mike Dickau, JAV/USA

Cordula Kagemann, Vokietija/Germany

Maria Jose Silva Mize, Portugalija/Portugal

Horst Baur, c/o Zhu Zhaohni, Kinija/China

Battistella Eliza, Italija/Italy

Mandeep Singh Manu, Indija/India

Simon Warren, Jungtinė karalystė/United Kingdom

Cem Demir, Turkija/Turkey

Luc Fierens, Belgija/Belgium

Ryosuke Cohen, Japonija/Japan

J.F. Chapelle, Prancūzija/France

Silvano Pertone, Italija/Italy

John M. Bennett, JAV/USA

Serse Luigetti, Italija/Italy

Belka and Strelka ( Svetlana Pesetskya & Victoria Barrenko ), Rusija/Russia

Stefano Pasquini, Italija/Italy

Kathleen Susan Nash Logan, Ispanija/Spain

Adamandia Kapsalis, JAV/USA

Guido Capuano, Sicilija, Italija/Italy

Yasuyuki Uzawa, Japonija/Japan

Ernst Gabelor, Vokietija/Germany

Chris Day, JAV/USA

Silvio de Gracia, Argentina/Argentina

La Toan Vinh, Kanada/Canada

Helder Coelho Diaz, Portugalija/Portugal

Christine Tarantino, JAV/USA

Rod Summers / VEC, Nyderlandai/The Netherlands

Carlyle Baker, Kanada/Canada

Vittore Baroni, Italija/Italy

Tiziana Baracchi, Italija/Italy

Domenico Severino, Italija/Italy

Norbert Koczorski, Vokietija/Germany

Giovanni Bonanno, Italija/Italy

Torma Cauli, Vengrija/Hungary

Samuel Montalvetti, Argentina/Argentina

Roberto Scala, Italija/Italy

Michel Della Vedova, Prancūzija/France

Alejandro Thornton, Argentina/Argentina

John Held Jr., JAV/USA

Joel Cohen ( Stickerdude ), JAV/USA

Lancillotto Bellini, Italija/Italy

Angela Behrendt, Vokietija/Germany

Doyle Dean, JAV/USA

Claudio Grandinetti, Italija/Italy

Valentine Mark Herman, Prancuzija/France

Yves Maraux, Prancūzija/France

Achille de Moewald, Prancūzija/France

Periklis Costopoulos, Graikija/Greece

Alexandru Jakabhazi, Rumunija/Romania

Jarmo Sermila, Suomija/Finland

Vaiva Kovieraite, Lietuva/Lithuania

Monica A. Gonzalez, Argentina/Argentina

Esteban Valdes, Puerto Rikas/Puerto Rico

Dorian Ribas Marinho, Brazilija/Brazil

De Villo Sloan, JAV/USA

Felipe Lamadrid, Ispanija/Spain

Petala Eytihia, Graikija/Greece

Lubomyr Tymkiv, Ukraina/Ukraine

Theodore Lalos, Graikija/Greece

Edward Kulemin, Rusija/Russia

Dobrica Kamperlic, Serbija/Serbia

Antonio De Marchi-Gherini, Italija/Italy

Katerina Nikoltsou, Graikija/Greece

Osvaldo Morales Barraza, Čilė/Chile

Christian Vettrus, JAV/USA

Matthew Rose, Prancūzija/France

Adriano Bonari, Italija/Italy

Marci Katz, Kanada/Canada

Lezcano Cerelia, Argentina/Argentina

Diane Bertrand, Kanada/Canada

LuAnn Pallazzo, JAV/USA

Carmela Rizzuto, JAV/USA

Thierry Tillier, Belgija/Belgium

Miguel Jiminez, Ispanija/Spain

Vincent Pons, Prancūzija/France

Jennie Hinchcliff, JAV/USA

Manfred Heinze, Vokietija/Germany

Marina Salmaso, Danija/Denmark

Gregory Scheckler, JAV/USA

Patrick Anderson – McQuoid, Airija/Ireland

Walter Ciansuicci, Italija/Italy

Judith Railton, Anglija/England

Mailarta Queen of Poste, Kanada/Canada

Bruno Neiva, Ispanija/Spain

Piet Franzen, Nyderlandai/The Netherlands

Marianne Midelburg, Australija/Australia

Don E. Boyd, JAV/USA

Plagium 2000, Vengrija/Hungary

Rupert Loydell, Anglija/England

Bibiana Padilla Maltos, JAV/USA

Thom C. Courcelle, JAV/USA

Francisco Sanchez Gil, Ispanija/Spain

Jaromir Svozilik, Norvegija/Norway

Judy Mangiameli, JAV/USA

Nula Horo, Ispanija/Spain

Reid Wood / State of Being, JAV/USA

Paul Tillia, Suomija/Finland

Lisa Iversen, JAV/USA

C. Mehrl Bennett, JAV/USA

Lome Lorenzo Menguzzato, Italija/Italy

Inez Olude da Silva, Belgija/Belgium

Mailart Martha, Jungtinė karalystė/United Kingdom

Alexandre Holownia, Vokietija/Germany

Mary Campbell, JAV/USA

Kommisar Hjular & Mama Baer, Vokietija/Germany

Allan Revich, Kanada/Canada

Ginny Lloyd, JAV/USA

Vittore Baroni, Italija/Italy

Kelly Courtney, JAV/USA

Snappy, Kanada/Canada

Mack McFarland, JAV/USA

Daniel De Culla, Ispanija/Spain

Caterina Davino, Italija/Italy

Douglas Galloway, JAV/USA

Serena Rossi, Italija/Italy

Alexandra Pharmakidis, JAV/USA

Roland Halbritter, Vokietija/Germany

Kiera Pannell, Kanada/Canada

Diane Keys, JAV/USA

Yvette Jansen, Nyderlandai/The Netherlands

Test Tower, JAV/USA

Mariano Filippetta, Italija/Italy

Dewi Johan, Kanada/Canada

Evie Satajadi, Indonezija/Indonesia

Terry Reid, Australija/Australia

Alison Knowles, JAV/USA

Maria Damon, JAV/USA

Sharul Sahee, Malaizija/Malaysia

Laura Sherritt Ligon, JAV/USA

Monica Michelotti, Italija/Italy

Pedro Bericat / Mute Sound, Ispanija/Spain

Tina Festa, Italija/Italy

Ted Moss, JAV/USA

Miche – Art – Universalis, Belgija/Belgium

Rosa Gravino, Argentina/Argentina

Anne Braunschweig, JAV/USA

Elke Grundmann, Vokietija

Cheryl Penn, PAR/South Africa

Claudia Kipps Aulita, Argentina/Argentina

Angie Cope, JAV/USA

Monica Rex, JAV/USA

Marcia Cirillo, JAV/USA

Suzlee Ibrahim, Malaizija/Malaysia

Angela Caporaso, Italija/Italy

Barrie J Davies, Jungtinė karalystė/United Kingdom

Costis, Graikija/Greece

Jorge Artajo, Ispanija/Spain

Reed Altemus, JAV/USA

Bifidus Jones, JAV/USA

Ernie Bar, Vokietija/Germany

Marcela Peral, Argentina/Argentina

Ptrzia TICTAC, Vokietija/Germany

Helen Aymes, Australija/Australia

Cory Peeke, JAV/USA

Merry Rozzelle, JAV/USA

Carlos Zurck, Brazilija/Brazil

Melissa McCarthy, JAV/USA

Cecil Touchon, JAV/USA

Darlene Domel, JAV/USA

Joshua Rutherford, JAV/USA

Marina Miletic, Airija/Ireland

Picasso Gaglione, JAV/USA

Gary A. Bibb, JAV/USA

Jim Leftwich, JAV/USA

Clemente Padin, Urugvajus/Uruguay

Allen Bukoff, JAV/USA

Alice Bradshaw, Jungtinė karalystė/United Kingdom

Vladimir Jakushonok / Bolderaja group Fluxus, Latvija/Latvia

Jokie X. Wilson, JAV/USA

Neosho, JAV/USA

Saeri Kiritani, JAV/USA

Aaron Flores, Meksika/ Mexico

Narvis Bracamonte & pedro ( Pez ) Lopez, Venesuela/Venezuela

Echo June Vincent / EJVA NSVA, Kinija/China

Jamie Newton, JAV/USA

R. F. Cote, Kanada/Canada

Anna Boschi, Italija/Italy

Sharon Zimmer, JAV/USA

Jon Johnson, JAV/USA

David K. Thompson, JAV/USA

Jeff Sass, JAV/USA

Michelle Sass – Hake, JAV/USA

Jennifer Kosharek, JAV/USA

David Dellafiora, Australija/Australia

Ex Post Facto, JAV/USA

Litsa Spathi, Nyderlandai/The Netherlands

Pal Csaba, Vengrija/Hungary

Susana Picasso, Argentina/Argentina

Carol Starr, JAV/USA

Maurizia Carantani, Italija/Italy

Sun Young – Jin,Belgija/Belgium

Darko Alexovski, Makedonija/Macedonia

Aaron Almieda Holmquist, Venesuela/Venesuela

Keyla Holmquist, Venesuela/Venesuela

Robert Znajomski, Lenkija/Poland

Kathlyn Tilton, JAV/USA

Tulio Restrepo, Kolumbija/Colombia

Keith A. Buchholz, JAV/USA

Monica Gonzalez, Argentina/Argentina

Matt Taggart, JAV/USA

Judith Mangianelli, JAV/USA

Ruud Janssen, Nyderlandai/Netherlands

Angela Ferrara, Brazilija/Brazil

Mark Bloch, JAV/USA

Rein Rain, JAV/USA

Susan Shulman, Kanada/Canada

William Evertson, JAV/USA

Ria Van Eynde, Belgija/Belgium

Patrick Lichty, JAV/USA

Tara Verheide, JAV/USA

Jonas Mekas, JAV/USA

Chris “ Mudhead ” Reynolds, JAV/USA

Demetrios Coutarelli, Graikija/Greece

Konstantin Kalendaroff, Rusija/Russia

Viv de Dada, JAV/USA

Doyle Dean, JAV/USA

Caterina Davinio, Italija/Italy

The Kinsena’s – Jean Kusina / Tammy Kinsey, JAV/USA

Jonas Lozoraitis, JAV/USA

Olchar Lindsann, JAV/USA

Marco Giovenale, Italija/Italy

Ed Varney, Kanada/Canada

Ana Garcia, Portugalija/Portugal

Aristotelis Triantis, Graikija/Greece

Warren C. Fry, JAV/USA

Jonathan Leiter ( aka- Reuben Sandwich ), JAV/USA

Reid Wood, JAV/USA

Al Hansen, JAV/USA

Echo June Vincent, Kinija/China

Geof Huth, JAV/USA

Perry Garvin, JAV/USA

Brandstifter, Vokietija/Germany